
Benefits of community policing


Paper 1 (crim. justice)

The video shows a lot of intense physical training at the police academy. In my opinion it focuses on the physical part a whole lot, as an officer's body is the main tool on the job. I noticed the physical hands on, in dealing with suspects. This is very important as that officers will have to go hands on a lot in their careers. They need to be prepared in good effective writing skills, be able to take reports, and have good grammar. They also must understand the laws and what they fall under as an officer. The video shows driving course, classroom, defensive tactics, patrol, firearms, and a lot of physical activity. I feel that one must have a physical and mental ability and desire to complete an academy. The cadet must also be able to perform all tasks involved and be proficient with their firearm and weapons. I can see that in the academy video all training was for actual real life scenarios, in which I have encountered many of these first hand.

If my department was more oriented in community policing, I would definitely hit the streets and be visible more in the residential and business areas. This involves me more as one on one with the public. It builds a good report and trust. An officer can learn a lot by being visible. (Wycoff, 2020) states that this service can develop a better relationship between the police and the public. I have encountered this type of scenario personally before. I handled it this way: I held the juveniles until I could contact their parents. The parents then put me on the scene. The juveniles were cited to juvenile court and turned over to their parents.

The police culture is real and does exist. All of us officers are in the same boat. We do the same things on duty, and we meet basically the same issues. All officers share the common leap which is to come home safely. (Morin, R. et al. 2017) stated that many of the officers worry about a fatal attack or not making it home after a shift. Many will not think about it or choose not to think about it. Most all officers fall into this category as not only having a physically demanding job, but mentally stressful as well.

My department is very family oriented and supports the family very much. As officers we have the ability to separate work and family, and it is encouraged. A lot of agencies such as mine will allow personal days each month, as well as paid time off. This allows the officers to have a normal outside life. I am all business at work, but after I clock out I leave it and go home. I used to not do that. There are programs and training available in today's time to help officers deal with these issues.


Wycoff, M. (2020). Benefits of Community Policing. NCJRS. Office of Justice Programs. www.ncjrs.gov.

Morin, R. et al. (2017). Police Culture. Pew Research Center. www.pewsocialtrends.org.

PAPER 2 (crim justice)

" Gloucester County, New Jersey"

For an individual to be best prepared for a police academy, the individual should have a training regimen that focuses primarily on physical and mental fitness. The individuals should be prepared to push their bodies beyond their current physical limits and should commit to a good fitness routine. The individual should also attempt to prepare themselves mentally to accommodate any extensive study sessions that they may encounter while at the academy. Research has shown evidence of a police culture that can impact the social and domestic lives of police officers (Coombe, 2013). I believe that police culture would have to exist in their line of work. Police officers have a dangerous job and should be able to rely on their fellow officers when needed.

In the military, we have a culture of our own. The military and police cultures make it easier to connect with fellow members of the same occupation and culture. The tasks in the video I watched seemed to be job-related and made perfect sense. According to our textbook, Dr. Neal Trautman created the "Code of Silence Antidote (COSA), this code has 32 standards to enforce and reward integrity for police officers, to combat officers protecting fellow officers expected of police corruption (Carter, 2018). The police culture would warrant officers to care for one another in times of need. The police culture could tempt officers to defend fellow officers who have committed crimes. The standards that Dr. Trautman created would begin implementation at the police recruit level and would be engrained in the recruit's head early in his or her career.


Carter, J.S.D.L.S.F.S.B. (2018). An Introduction to Policing. [Savant Learning Systems].

Coombe, H. (2013). To what extent does police occupational culture impact on the social and domestic lives of police officers? Plymouth Law and Criminal Justice Review, 5, 229.

PAPER 3 (HIS/Regligion)

The process involved in determining the books included in the canonization of the New Testament was lengthy, covered several years, and involved many leaders and councils(Harris, 2014). The four books of The Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, were included in that canonization of scripture. Questions have been raised regarding other books not included in the canon, such as The Gospel of Philip. Two of the most prominent non-canonical books include the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Judas; However, the first of these texts to be discovered was that of the Gospel of Peter(Foster, 2007).

Like in the canonical Gospels, the Gospel of Peter gives an account for the life of Jesus prior to, during, and after the crucifixion; moreover, the larger part of the text focuses on events after Jesus' death. The portion of the texts recovered is not long with about 56 verses and the text begins and ends in the middle of a sentence (Gregory, 2009). The text begins at the end of the Jesus's trial and before the crucifixion. The account of Jesus' torment and ridicule is much like that described in the canonized Gospels and Peter records the words of Jesus on the cross: however, there is a difference in the words recorded. The 19Th verse in The Gospel of Peter records Jesus' words as "My power, the power, you have forsaken me" (Brown, 2020) . . . . Another difference in the text is in the recorded trial. The final decision in Herod's hand, rather than Pilate's and it appears that Pilate is not the blame for Jesus' crucifixion, but rather Herod and the Jews(Foster, 2007).

In the question regarding the adding of non-canonical books to the current canon of scripture, one should again consider the lengthy and timely process of the canonization of scripture. Some of the non-canonical books are not complete; furthermore, some do not convey the same gospel message of those canonized books (Gregory,2009). Arguably, those books included in the canon have been reviewed and "tested" through time giving the conclusion that no other books should be added.


Brown, R. (Trans.). Gospel of Peter.

Foster, P. (2007). The Gospel of Peter. Expository Times, 118(8), 318-325.

Gregory, A. (2009). The non-canonical gospels and the historical Jesus -- some reflections on issues and methods. Evangelical Quarterly, 81(1), 3-22.

Harris, S.L. (2014). The New Testament: A student's introduction. (8th ed.). McGraw Hill Education.

King James Bible. King James Bible Online.


"We do know that a host of other Gospels were circulating by the second century CE-accounts ascribed to prominent New Testament figures such as Peter, Thomas, James, or Mary Magdalene" (Harris, 2014). The four main book of The Gospels are known very well, but we there were many other non-canonical books the were not included. Many of the non-canonical books were the Gospel of Peter, the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Judas, and the Gospel of Phillip. "Most of the noncanonical Gospels survive only as titles in later church writings denouncing them and/or in badly preserved manuscript fragments" (Harris, 2014). I thing the Gospel of Thomas. "Unlike the canonical Gospels, the Gospel of Thomas contains no narrative of Jesus' miracles or other deeds; it consists solely of 114 sayings" (Harris, 2014).

"Although this Gospel does not even mention Jesus' death or resurrection, the "living" speaker in Thomas is the risen Jesus, who transmits enlighten spiritually to his disciples" (Harris, 2014). "Forexample, in talking about the fact that the soul or spirit has come into the body, Jesus says: "I do marvel at how this great wealth has come to dwell in this poverty!" Gospelof Thomas 28.3)

The difference is that the gospel of Thomas does not tell the story of Jesus life. "This"secret sayings" gospel does not tell the story of Jesus' life, but rather is a list of over 100 of his sayings, some of which are familiar to readers of the New Testament, others enigmatic and strange"(www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/maps/primary/gthomas.html). I really do not know if I would be in favor of adding more non-canonical gospels to the New Testament. I guess I probably wouldn't because of how long it will be, and I would probably worry about any misunderstood sayings or stories.

Harris, S.L. (2014). The New Testament: A student's introduction. (8th ed.). McGraw Hill Education.

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Business Law and Ethics: Benefits of community policing
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