
Benefits of chain drive and belt or rope drive

1) List out the materials that are used for the belts.

2) Write down the benefits of chain drive over belt or rope drive.

3) Explain what is pressure angle or angle of obliquity?

4) Describe the term axial pitch in helical gears.

5) What are crown bevel gears? Sketch its schematic representation.

6) Describe the following terms used in worm gearing:

a) Lead

b) Lead angle.

7) What are the points to be considered while designing gear boxes, incorporating sliding cluster gear?

8) What is a ray diagram and specify its uses.

9) Explain why a positive clutch is used?

10) Explain how does the function of a brake differ from that of a clutch?

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Mechanical Engineering: Benefits of chain drive and belt or rope drive
Reference No:- TGS013459

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