
Benefits autistic children in general education classroom



This is two hypothesis that I turned for my instructor to view. However my teacher states that the hypothesis need to be stated in testable form. This means they must be operationalized.

The two hypothesis I used are.

1. Inclusion, mainstreaming and pull-out options in the public school system benefit autistic children in the general education classroom.

2. Autistic children in the general education classroom receive an advantage from inclusion and mainstreaming in the public school system.

Null HYpothesis

1. Inclusion and mainstreaming in the public school system do not benefit autisitc children in the general education classroom.

2. Autistic children in the general education classroom will not receive an advantage from inclusion and mainstreaming in the public school system.

He made a comment about the second hypothesis only. He didn't make any comments about the null hypothesis. My paper as you can probably tell is about the teachers attitude toward autistic students in the mainstream classroom.

You need help restructuring these hypothesis and null hypothesis so they following my teachers guidelines.

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Other Subject: Benefits autistic children in general education classroom
Reference No:- TGS01936221

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