
Benefits and barriers of implementing cleaner production


Select a topic from the list below and undertake a literature review on the topic to write a research paper. Literature cited should include most recently published papers from journals as well as recent reports published by recognised institutions/organisations. If you prefer to write the paper on a topic not included in the list below, you are required obtain approval from the course convenor prior to commencing the work on the paper.

• Evolution of cleaner production
• Benefits and barriers of implementing cleaner production
• Cleaner production as a strategy to enhance industrial competitiveness
• Cleaner production assessment, implementation and continuation
• Cleaner production assessment in primary industries (select one industry)
• Cleaner production assessment in major manufacturing industries (select one industry)
• Cleaner production assessment in major service sectors (select one service sector)
• Life cycle assessment
• Environmental management accounting
• Design for environment
• Industrial ecology
• Eco-labeling
• Green purchasing and supply chain management
• Public environmental reporting
• Government policies and strategies for promoting cleaner production
• International cleaner production strategies
• Financing cleaner production
• Role of local governments in promoting cleaner production
• Cleaner production case studies
• Sustainable production and consumption
• Green economy

The format of the paper is flexible. However, it should comply with the normal requirements of a paper published in a journal. The rationale behind this assessment item is to assess the student's ability to research on a given topic in cleaner production and eco-efficiency, ability to cite latest literature and reports on latest developments in this area and to assess the ability to write a research paper to the standards normally required of a journal. Students are strongly encouraged to get familiar with such requirements by referring to paper published in an international scientific journal.

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Other Subject: Benefits and barriers of implementing cleaner production
Reference No:- TGS02014201

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