
Below is computer output from spss the package used in the

1. Below is computer output from SPSS, the package used in the text.  The table below has descriptive statistics for each variable measured the 5-point scale, with 5 being "Strongly Agree" and 1 being "Strongly Disagree"  (Favorable = "SA or A")
a. Which variable is has the most favorable rating?
b. Which variable has the most variation in the response?
c. Below is a frequency distribution of the stress variable.             


     Frequency    Percent    Cumulative Percent
Valid    1.00    37    18.3    18.3
     2.00    20    9.9    28.2
     3.00    45    22.3    50.5
     4.00    45    22.3    72.8
     5.00    55    27.2    100.0
     Total    202    100.0    

What percentage of respondents "Strongly Agree/Agree" with their stress level being reasonable?

What percentage of respondents "Strongly Disagree/ Disagree" with their stress level being reasonable?

2.  In addition to the survey items, respondents were asked to report their age as follows:

My generation is (AGE)    Generation Y (Born 1981-2000)    1
Generation X (Born 1965-1980)    2
Baby Boomers (1946-1964)    3
Veterans (Born 1922-1945)    4

Below is output from an ANOVA to test if there are differences in stress levels between age groups.

What was is the null hypothesis?
What is the alternative hypothesis?

Below are summary statistics for

     N    Mean    Std. Deviation    Std. Error    95% Confidence Interval for Mean    Minimum    Maximum
     Lower Bound    Upper Bound    Lower Bound    Upper Bound    Lower Bound    Upper Bound    Lower Bound    Upper Bound
1.00    83    4.1325    1.39486    .15311    3.8280    4.4371    1.00    11.00
2.00    45    3.0444    1.39733    .20830    2.6246    3.4642    1.00    5.00
3.00    37    2.4595    2.06283    .33913    1.7717    3.1472    1.00    11.00
4.00    37    3.1351    1.00449    .16514    2.8002    3.4701    1.00    5.00
Total    202    3.4010    1.60924    .11323    3.1777    3.6243    1.00    11.00

Which group has the lowest stress level? (1 pt)
Which group has the highest stress level? (1 pt)
Which group has the most variation in stress level? (1 pt)

Below is the ANOVA output.

     Sum of Squares    df    Mean Square    F    Sig. (P-value)
Between Groups    91.680    3    30.560    4.339    .041
Within Groups    322.899    198    1.631         
Total    414.579    201              

Are the results significant?  Write a 2-3 sentence summary of your findings.

3. The organization that surveyed the employees wanted to know what factors influenced STRESS so they could take action. To do that a multiple regression analysis was run that regressed the all the items against the STRESS measure to see which ones had the most impact on stress.  Below are the findings:

    Model Summary

Model    R    R Square    Adjusted R Square    Std. Error of the Estimate
1    .742(a)    .55    .53    1.39776


Model         Sum of Squares    df    Mean Square    F    Sig.
1    Regression    30.233    5    6.047    3.095    .015(a)
     Residual    357.533    183    1.954         
     Total    387.766    188              
b  Dependent Variable: STRESS


Model         Unstandardized Coefficients    Standardized Coefficients    t    Sig.
          B    Std. Error    Beta    B    Std. Error
1    (Constant)    1.992    .560         3.558    .000
     RESOURCES    .158    .123    .117    1.287    .200
     WORKLIFE    .148    .125    .104    2.131    .039
     INVOLVEMENT    .292    .136    .200    2.147    .033
     LEARN    .110    .112    .076    .978    .329
     REWARDS    .179    .134    .124    1.330    .185

a  Dependent Variable: STRESS

What is the R-square and what does it mean?
Was the overall multiple regression significant?
Looking at each regression coefficient, which one(s), if any, are statistically significant?
Summarize the results in 2-3 sentences.

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Basic Statistics: Below is computer output from spss the package used in the
Reference No:- TGS01224743

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