
Below are data on park and open space in several us cities

Park space and population. Below are data on park and open space in several U.S. cities with high population density.38 In this table, population is reported in thousands of people, and park and open space is called open space, with units of acres.

1805_Park space and population.png

(a) Make a bar graph for population. Describe what you see in the graph.
(b) Do the same for open space.
(c) For each city, divide the open space by population. This gives rates: acres of open space per thousand residents.
(d) Make a bar graph of the rates.
(e) Redo the bar graph that you made in part (d) by ordering the cities by their open space to population rate.
(f) Which of the two bar graphs in (d) and (e) do you prefer? Give reasons for your answer.

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Basic Statistics: Below are data on park and open space in several us cities
Reference No:- TGS02540547

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