
Below are 13 situations salespeople commonly face for each

Below are 13 situations salespeople commonly face. For each situation, determine the mental buying stage that your prospect is experiencing. Give a reason why the prospect is at that stage.

a. "Come on in; I can only visit with you for about five minutes."

b. "That sounds good, but how can I be sure it will do what you say it will?"

c. "Yes, I see your copier can make 20 copies a minute and copy on both sides of the page. Big deal!"

d. The buyer thinks, "Will the purchase of this equipment help my standing with my boss?"

e. "I didn't know there were products like this on the market."

f. The buyer thinks, "I'm not sure if I should listen or not."

g. "I wish my equipment could do what yours does."

h. "Well, that sounds good, but I'm not sure."

i. "What kind of great deal do you have for me today?"

j. "When can you ship it?"

k. You discuss your business proposition with your buyer, and you receive a favorable nonverbal response.

l. "I like what you have to say. Your deal sounds good. But I'd better check with my other suppliers first."

m. You have completed your presentation. The buyer has said almost nothing to you, asking no questions and giving no objections. You wonder if you should close.

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Basic Statistics: Below are 13 situations salespeople commonly face for each
Reference No:- TGS02624295

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