
Behavioral health services and hmos


Research Your State VA Services

The VA has gone through some major reorganization in the last few decades to meet the growing needs of what is mainly considered an aging veteran population. To meet the needs of veterans, many state's VA departments have convereted their services to long-term care and have also contracted clinical services.

You must Search the internet using keywords "U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs" and locate your state's VA (Mississippi). Search relevant information regarding the various VA services offered by your state's VA. Using the information shared in the web site and your textbook readings, discuss whether you agree or disagree that the current service structure for behavioral health is capable of meeting the current and future needs of veterans. Provide rationale to support your response.

Behavioral Health Services and HMOs

The basis of a HMO is to provide a comprehensive set services from wellness and preventative to acute and chronic treatment. Behavioral health is unique because it is difficult to measure the outcomes, and in some instances, the comorbidity of mental illness and potential loss of function demands a higher level of services.

Search the internet to find information on oyur preferred HMO. Review the information on the web site to find out what kind of behavioral health services are supported, or offered, by the HMO.

Do you agree or disagree tht the behavioral healthcare services covered by HMOs are considered adequate for patients with mental illness? Why? Compared to the services offered in public community mental health services, do you agree the services offered by HMOs measure up to the same level? Justify your answers with appropriate researach and reasoning.

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