Complete the mcq:
Question 1
You are chairing quality circle meetings with your employees and want to maximize opportunities for all to speak and contribute. The seating arrangement and table shape to accomplish this be:
a. square.
b. round.
c. rectangular.
d. oblong.
Question 2
Which of the following is NOT a limitation of classical conditioning?
a. Humans are more complex and less amenable to simple cause-and-effect conditioning.
b. Unconditioned responses and unconditioned stimulus have not been connected in humans.
c. Complex human decision making makes it possible to override simple conditioning.
d. Behavioral environments in organizations are complex and not very amenable to single stimulus-response manipulations.
Question 3
All of the following are included in reflective listening except:
a. criticism.
b. silence.
c. clarifying the implicit.
d. affirming contact.
Question 4
The fight-or-flight stress response is most closely associated with the _____.
a. person-environment fit approach
b. cognitive appraisal approach
c. psychoanalytic approach
d. homeostatic approach
Question 5
The stage in preventive stress management designed to heal individual or organizational symptoms of distress and strain is called:
a. tertiary prevention.
b. primary prevention.
c. secondary prevention.
d. job redesign.
Question 6
External theories of motivation include need models, equity and expectancy theories, as well as goal-setting approaches.
Question 7
One-way communication in contrast to two-way communication:
a. is especially faster.
b. is especially more accurate for complex tasks.
c. solicits interaction.
d. allows for reflective listening.
Question 8
Feedback by a manager to an employee is an important aspect of any appraisal system and is frequently done as coaching and counseling in a management by objectives program.
Question 9
Motivation factors relate to job satisfaction and hygiene factors relate to job dissatisfaction in Herzberg's model.
Question 10
Reinforcement and punishment represent:
a. the extinction method used to encourage a behavior.
b. task-specific self-efficacy.
c. the positive and negative consequences of behavior.
d. the strategy of withholding a positive consequence.
Question 11
The appropriate consequence for an employee who steals company property is:
a. intermittent discipline.
b. termination.
c. no discipline.
d. fixed ratio reinforcement.
Question 12
If two supervisors evaluated an employee's performance using the same set of rating scales but arrived at different conclusions or results, the evaluation instrument is:
a. unreliable.
b. invalid.
c. biased.
d. sufficient.
Question 13
A manager who presses employees for both very fast work and high-quality work would likely cause:
a. role ambiguity.
b. person-role conflict.
c. intrarole conflict.
d. interrole conflict.
Question 14
Performance appraisal is used for all of the following except:
a. making promotion and other reward decisions.
b. identifying employee developmental needs.
c. evaluating employee work behavior.
d. selecting persons from a pool of job applicants.
Question 15
Change and lack of control are two of the most stressful demands people face at work.
Question 16
The stress response can be very effective in preparing a person to handle legitimate emergencies through peak performance.
Question 17
One of your employees periodically fails to clean up his work area at the end of the work shift. Instead of issuing punishment or discipline, you decide to try an extinction approach to the situation. Accordingly, you might:
a. reassign the worker to a less desirable job.
b. ignore the worker's undesirable actions for a while.
c. clean up the employee's work area yourself.
d. fire the worker.
Question 18
A good reflective listener does not lead the speaker according to the listener's own thoughts and feelings.
Question 19
An important intermediate step between goal acceptance and goal accomplishment is:
a. goal commitment.
b. behavior/reward contingencies.
c. goal specificity.
d. goal clarity.
Question 20
The process of modifying behavior through the use of positive or negative consequences following specific behaviors is known as _____.
a. Skinner's Integrated Model of conditioning
b. Pavlovian conditioning
c. operant conditioning
d. classical conditioning