
Behavioral-cognitive-reality theory counseling

Behavioral, Cognitive, or Reality Theory Counseling:

Paper details:

For this discussion, you will create a scenario in which you are counseling a client using one of the theories from this unit. The details of the counseling session scenario are up to you; however, note that your client must come from a diverse social or cultural background. Write the script of your hypothetical counseling session. The script must have at least 20 responses—10 from the client and 10 from you as the counselor. Your responses should align with the philosophy and goals of your chosen theory and with the multicultural contributions or strengths of that theory. Use your Theories of Counseling Chart to be sure that your interventions align with your theory’s key concepts, theory of change, interventions, and its vision of client and counselor roles. You will present the following:

1. A brief introduction to the client scenario.

2. Your script, which illustrates your chosen theory.

3. A discussion of how concepts you applied in the script related to the theory’s key concepts, theory of change, interventions, and visio of client and counselor roles.

4. A discussion of how your client’s social or cultural background affected your application of your chosen approach.

Upload your Theories of Counseling Chart as an attachment to your post. It should be complete through Reality Therapy.

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Other Subject: Behavioral-cognitive-reality theory counseling
Reference No:- TGS01435449

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