
Behavior change theories and planning

Part I: Behavior Change Theories

Briefly describe the difference between theories and models. Why is it important to use theories in
health education?

Describe the socio-ecological approach. Identify which levels of the socio-ecological approach

behavior change theories can be applied to and provide reasoning for your selection.

For each of these levels, provide a description of the behavior change theories. You may include your
own diagrams or figures to support your descriptions.

Select one theory from each level and provide information regarding its use and effectiveness in health education.

Part II: Planning Models are essential tools for the professionals who plan health education and promotion programs.

Describe each of the seven program planning models presented in the text. In these descriptions, highlight the unique attributes of each

of these planning models and discuss the similarities found across the models.

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Other Subject: Behavior change theories and planning
Reference No:- TGS01083495

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