
Begin your project by writing an introduction

Develop a complete set of five lesson plans for a unit of study (approx. 1 week in length) including all elements learned in this course for effective instruction for English Language Learners. Select the specific area and grade level for your unit of study. For example, Science: Grade 2: living things.

Final Project Instructions

Begin your project by writing an introduction (narrative format) that provides an overview of your plan. Following your introduction, include the five lesson plans that make up your unit. You may use the attached Lesson Plan Template for each lesson. The completed project should be 6-8 pages in length (including the actual lesson plans, but not including the title page and reference page), should incorporate at least three scholarly sources (including the textbook), Your lessons plans should be comprehensive enough that an instructor would be able to utilize this for their classroom. As you design your lessons, be sure to integrate the procedures from the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol in Chapter 3, Figure 3.2 of your textbook. In each lesson, include specific learning strategies and effective teaching techniques from Chapter 5 of your textbook. Chapter 6 discusses differentiated instruction. Describe the types of adaptations you will make to ensure that you effectively differentiate instruction for varying levels of language development and support your choices with evidence from the text or other scholarly resources. Include a reference page listing any support materials or instructional resources you are using in your unit of study.

Your Final Project must include the following components
1. Introduction 
o Develop an introduction that includes the following (with support from the course text, as well as two additional sources): 
? State the age or grade level of students 
? State the unit topic 
? Identify the type of program (Chapter 1, Table 1.1) 
? Identify the stages of language development of target students ( Chapter 1, Figure 1.6) 
? Identify and explain the Learning Theory on which this lesson plan is developed (Chapter 2) 
? Describe the factors that affect Second Language Acquisition and include elements to address these factors within your lesson plans (Chapter 4)

2. Five Lesson Plans, which demonstrate your ability to integrate the following: 
o Content 
? Describe the subject matter and list the key vocabulary students will need to know in order to be successful in the lesson.

o Learning Outcomes 
? Briefly describe the language and content learning outcomes that the students should acquire by the end of the lesson.

o Standards and Objectives 
? List the state content standard(s) and ELL proficiency standards. Develop language and content objectives that correspond and effectively integrate the content and language standard(s).

o Materials 
? List the materials that will be used in the lesson. List materials that will reflect multiple strategies to meet the needs of diverse learners.

o Procedure or Methods of Instruction 
? Using the features of sheltered instruction, design an instructional plan that incorporates multiple strategies and instructional methods. Illustrate your ability to apply effective instructional practices and differentiated instruction for English Learners to lesson planning.

o Evaluation or Assessment 
? Identify appropriate assessment instruments to assess the language and content skills identified in your lesson plan. Describe how these assessments will inform your instruction to improve student achievement.

3. Reference Page 
o Include a reference page with at least three sources cited in your project.  

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Essay Writing: Begin your project by writing an introduction
Reference No:- TGS058910

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