
Begin your essay by describing the problem or your stand on

Qusestion: Essay: I expect this essay to be approximately 10 to 12 pages in length. For this essay, you'll need to think of a problem that concerns you in some way. It could be a very personal problem or it could be a larger, societal problem. Don't, however, choose an issue that is too huge to deal with effectively in a relatively short paper.

Begin your essay by describing the problem or your stand on the issue so that your reader clearly understands it. Do not, however, spend too much time on this (no more than a few paragraphs to a page or so, maximum).

The bulk, the heart, of your essay should be devoted to proposing a solution to/arguing for a position on this problem and to persuading your reader that your viewpoint is the best possible one to adopt. Of course, in order to do this effectively, you'll have to consider and respond to other points of view. Acknowledging those other positions/solutions and tactfully (you may need to research them!), and then gracefully explaining why your solution or your stand is superior makes you appear reasonable and credible to your audience and thus makes your argument stronger.

In the context of your argument, you must quote and/or paraphrase from at least eight credible sources (more is better!). These could be essays from our textbook (any chapter, any essay, assigned or unassigned). These also could be sources found on the library databases/subscription services and/or google scholar. You may even find world wide web sites that are useful. It is crucial, though, if you use sources outside the text, especially web sources, that you make sure those sources would be considered to be credible by an academic audience with high standards for evidence and support.

Look for sources that list references, that are written by people with advanced degrees in their fields, and that can be found in publications geared for an expert audience rather than just the general public.

Note: You must include MLA-style in-text parenthetical citations for quoted and paraphrased material and a final Works Cited page listing each of your sources. Failure to do so will result in a grade no higher than a C- for the essay.

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Dissertation: Begin your essay by describing the problem or your stand on
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