
Begin with a preview of the palo alto library guide links

Homework 2--The Annotated (Secondary Source) Works Cited

Begin with a preview of the Palo Alto Library Guide (Links to an external site.) to Writing Annotated Bibliographies.
H 2 builds on the skills you gained in H 1. In H 2 we are adding the research component: finding and assessing secondary sources (Links to an external site.).

Follow these steps:

1. Preview the topics for P3 and choose your subject.

2. Return to your H 1 list of readings, and eliminate any (1) of the (5) entries so that you now have a list of (4).

3. Now merge the results from steps 1 and 2. You should have a list of 5 readings: 4 from your H 1 assignment PLUS the reading you have chosen for your research paper (P3).

4. Research each of these 5 readings to find 1 credible secondary source (Links to an external site.) for each reading--total of 5 sources. Modules 1 - 4 have some resources included that you may find useful. However, you not limit yourself to these sources provided within this class. This is your opportunity to learn how to conduct your own research. I strongly suggest that you use the library databases (Links to an external site.) that are accessible from off-campus as well as on campus. Note: Wikipedia, Sparknotes, Cliffnotes, blogs, etc., are not acceptable secondary sources.

5. Build a single annotated citation paragraph (200-250 words not including the citation) for each of the 5 sources you found. Each paragraph should include summary, assessment, and reflection. See an explanation (Links to an external site.) and example (Links to an external site.) from the Purdue MLA OWL. The example (Links to an external site.) link shows a very good but more extensive model of what you should produce. The model shows a multi-paragraph example. You only need to write a single paragraph annotation for each source.

6. Follow MLA format for each entry. This example of an MLA (Links to an external site.) formatted annotation shows a very good but more extensive model of what you should produce. The model shows a multi-paragraph example. You only need to write a single paragraph annotation for each source.

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Dissertation: Begin with a preview of the palo alto library guide links
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