
Before you startnbspconsider where you want to be


1. BEFORE YOU START consider where you want to be professionally 5 years from when you graduate, and the specific nature and requirements of the type of job or area of specialization you envision yourself having - for example Project Manager of a major road reconstruction project. (If you are not sure what the nature or requirements of you envisioned job might be do an internet search of job descriptions)

2. NEXT STEP,now based on your past experiences and your present level of experience, knowledge, and/or skill, read each of the competency sets on the next 3 pages, and using the following scale, rate your current level of mastery for each competency:

(N) None - I have very little or noexperience or skills in this competency area

(B) Basic - I have a general understanding and could work in simple situations with support and coaching from others

(C) Competent - I have a good understanding and can work in situations of moderate difficulty without support or coaching from others

(P) Mastery - I have a well-developed understanding and could work in difficult situations with minimal support and coaching from others

3. FINAL STEP,firstreview the list and considering only the competencies you checked/circled as N or B, identify and list the three competencies you believe will be most important for you to have in the next 5 years. Then review the list a second time considering only the competencies you have checked/circled as C or P and identify and list the three competencies you believe to be your greatest assets/strengths.

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Other Subject: Before you startnbspconsider where you want to be
Reference No:- TGS01475781

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