Surviving toadlets are considered juveniles at 1 year (Lampo and De Leo 1998) and become breeding adults at 2 years. Adult survival depends on a number of environmental factors, especially desiccation. Toads obtain much of their water from their prey (-69%) and lose water via evaporation, respira-tion, and excretion (Kearney et al. 2008). Although these animals can sustain substantial water loss, if they lose 40% of their body mass or more, they are much more likely to die of dehydration (Florance et al. 2011). Adult survival rates vary between 30 and 70% (Lampo and De Leo). Juveniles are assumed to have only 10% of the adult survival rates. Using this information, develop a grid-based individual-based simulation involving juvenile and adult cane toads. Initialize the grid with juveniles and adults in random locations and juveniles of random ages. Have new juveniles entering the simulation at random times from around a pond. Have new adult toads entering the simulation at random times from grid boundaries. Allow toads to migrate out of the area in any direction. Because young toads are primary colonizers, young adults should be more likely to move than older toads and young toadlets. Running the simulation a number of times, deter-mine the mean number of juveniles and adults that survive, die, and migrate.