
Because of delays by thematerial handling worker the

The assembly worker is performing a repetitive manual taskconsisting of inserting 8 plastic pegs into 8 holes in a flatwooden board. A slight interference fit is involved in eachinsertion. Each work cycle consists of her picking up a boardfrom the stack of boards located on the left side of theworktable (about 15 inches away from center, where they areplaced by a material handling worker), performing the 8insertions, and then placing the assembled board into a rackthat is next to the starting stack. Her first step in the workcycle is to reach for the top board in the stack with her righthand, pick it up, and exchange it to the left hand. Whileholding the board in her left hand, she picks up the pegs froma tray about 10 inches away in front of her with her right handand inserts them into the holes in the board, one peg at a time. The rack holding the completed boards has a capacityof six assemblies. When the rack is full, the worker gets upfrom her worktable, picks up the loaded rack, carries it to apallet located on the floor three feet away from theworkplace, and places it onto the pallet. The pallet only holdsfour racks on one layer. A material handling worker riding ina forklift truck must periodically take the pallet away andreplace it with an empty pallet. Because of delays by thematerial handling worker, the assembly worker is occasionallyforced to stop working and wait for the pallet exchange tooccur

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Other Engineering: Because of delays by thematerial handling worker the
Reference No:- TGS02849684

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