
Because it is an intrinsic valuegood which of the following

1. Which of the following would NOT be an example of a moral value?

a. Happiness

b. Tolerance

c. Physical strength

d. Honesty

2. People are more likely to engage in immoral activities if there is no apparent victim.

a. True

b. False

3. Simply abiding by the law all of the time makes us moral people.

a. True

b. False

4. Which of the following refers to a type or subfield of ethics which focuses on the application of ethical values, principles, obligations, etc., to particular issues and practical scenarios that emerge within the context of a given field or occupation?

a. Personal

b. Normative

c. Religious

d. Professional

5. The "spheres of criminal justice" include all of the following, except:

a. criminal justice practice.

b. judicial review.

c. social justice.

d. laws and lawmaking.

6. Illegal or unethical actions of individual police officers are usually detected and reported.

a. True

b. False

7. "Goods" that are valued as a means to some other good are referred to as:

a. intrinsic.

b. instrumental.

c. extraneous.

d. non-essential.

8. Because it is an intrinsic value/good, which of the following would be of most importance when making a moral decision?

a. Money

b. Status

c. Reputation

d. Integrity

9. Which of the following occurs when jurors return a verdict which is consistent with their own sense of justice and morality, but inconsistent with the law?

a. Legal minimalism

b. Legalism

c. Jury nullification

d. Jury tampering

10. According to your text, the behavior of public officials (including criminal justice professionals) should reflect a higher moral character and should be held to a higher moral standard than ordinary persons.

a. True

b. False

11. In a situation requiring moral judgment - such as a choice between being loyal to one's friend or honest - intrinsic goods (e.g., honesty) always take priority over non-intrinsic goods (e.g., loyalty).

a. True

b. False

12. Which of the following would be a concern of social justice?

a. Health care

b. Employment

c. Education

d. All of the choices apply

13. The area of ethics which attempts to identify and prioritize moral values and principles and provide frameworks for moral decision-making is referred to as:

a. practical ethics.

b. normative ethics.

c. metaethics.

d. instrumental ethics.

14. With regard to professional codes of ethics, the problem of enforcement suggests that:

a. codes can sometimes be wrong.

b. codes can encourage employees to do only the minimum.

c. violations of ethical codes are not always detected and reported.

d. police and correctional officers may not believe that codes apply to them.

15. The idea that, when rules or guidelines are in place to guide our behavior, we may be inclined to do only what is dictated by the rules and nothing more is referred to as:

a. the externalization of codes.

b. minimalism.

c. generality.

d. strict coherence.

16. "Ethics" might best be described as the study of principles of right and wrong, good and bad, while "morality" refers to the practice of these principles in everyday life.

a. True

b. False

17. Although frowned upon formally, the informal values of police culture sometimes hold that accepting gifts from the public (e.g., free meals) is an acceptable way of supplementing income.

a. True

b. False

18. We do not need ethics if we have laws.

a. True

b. False

19. According to your text, morality involves living one's life:

a. self-consciously.

b. as the law states one should.

c. on pursuit of happiness at any cost.

d. according to previous personal experiences.

20. Ethics can best be understood as the study of what is, not what should be.

a. True

b. False.

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Dissertation: Because it is an intrinsic valuegood which of the following
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