
Beauty-truth and good

We are always attracted to beautiful people and things; however they can't completely satisfy our hunger for beauty. We wish for to know what's true regarding ourselves and the world around us; however answers always lead to new questions, as we hunger not just for facts, however for Truth itself. We love the good, seek it out, try to do what is good, and want to be good, however we never seem to have adequate as what we crave is Goodness itself. We are drawn to the infinite: not just beautiful things, however Beauty itself; not just true facts, however Truth itself; not just good things and experiences, however Goodness itself. Beauty, Truth and the Good are infinite, so our hunger for them is a hunger for the Infinite. For Christians, the name we give to infinite Beauty, Truth and Goodness is God. This hunger for the infinite is just the way we are - it is our nature. We encompass a natural (built in) openness to the Infinite or God. Could this be what Saint Augustine meant when he wrote, "Our hearts are restless, until they rest in Thee, O Lord."? What signs do you see that human beings have such a natural openness to the God? What do you think?

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Reference No:- TGS032759

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