
Be written in the first person as a 3-7 page action plan

Include a cover sheet with your name, the title Applied Final Project Part 3~ "The Solution" and the title of your chosen scenario (1 point deduction is missing)

Be written in the first person as a 3-7 page action plan for how you plan to deal with your problem of your six-year-old child still wetting the bed.

Include the information gleaned from your 2 local agencies/resources contacted (not just websites if possible). Include specifics such as how you contacted this resource, to whom you spoke and his/her position, location and contact information, as well as the kind of information, training or support is offered relevant to your situation, what services are available to assist you, and the cost of these services. Find agencies which help with this sort of problem

Have reference page which includes agencies/resources contacted as well as other information from readings/research, using APA format

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Other Subject: Be written in the first person as a 3-7 page action plan
Reference No:- TGS02226358

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