Question: PURPOSE OF ASSIGNMENT: The purpose of this assignment is to help you master the concepts needed to write across the curriculum and successfully complete collegiate writing assignments.
Skills: An essay is a valuable tool for academic writing.The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice skills that are essential to your success in this course and in your professional life beyond school. You will practice the following skills:
1. effective sentence development
Knowledge: This assignment will also help you to become familiar with the following important content knowledge in this discipline:
1. identify the strategies for writing a cause-and/or-effect paper
2. identify a topic and write your own cause-and/or-effect paper
3. analyze student cause-and/or-effect essays
Read the following resources before starting this assignment:
• "Cause and Effect" p. 263-270
• Edgar Allan Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado"
• Strategy Checklist p. 286-287
• Cause and/or Effect Essays
• Sample Graphic Organizer for Cause Essay.
• Video: How to Organize a Cause and/or Effect Essay.
• Mrs. Miller's Essay Writing Document
Choose an interesting element or statement from the work for which you can determine or hypothesize on its cause and effect. Example: _________________ happened because of ________________. (A very good approach to this essay would be to focus your thinking on the causes of Fortunato's fate and the cause of Montressor's rage)
Be sure to write an attention-grabbing introduction with the thesis placed at the end of it. Also, be sure to create a conclusion that extends your topic in some way. See the essay writing document below for details. In addition to supporting your thesis with examples from the story, I'm requiring that you directly quote (and cite in-text) the story at least two times throughout the essay. 600 words.
• Place your name, date, title of course (ENG 101 or ENG 102), and my name in the top left corner of the first page.
• Complete assignments and submit to Canvas.