
Be sure to address how the toolsconcepts discussed in class


Four Current Even Reports are due during the semester. These reports must be typed, double spaced, using font size 12, one inch margins (i.e., standard Microsoft Word default margin settings), properly referenced (e.g., MLA or APA style), and checked for grammar and spelling. Handwritten reports are not accepted. Each report should be at least three typed pages in length (excluding the cover-sheet and references). The Current Event Reports are individual assignments.

Current Event Reports will be graded on content, grammar, spelling, referencing, and style.

For each report, you are to find three recent news articles, either in print-press (for example: The New York Times, The Economist, the Wall Street Journal, etc.) or online pertaining to some macroeconomic issues of your choice. The University of Florida Library should have plenty of sources available, if you prefer print journalism. You should feel free to choose any articles that interest you, pending that they are dealing with macroeconomics. The articles you chose MUST NOT be more than 20 days old from the due date of the report. Papers using older articles will automatically be given a grade of 0. If the article does not have a clear publication date, source, author, etc, do not use it. Blogs of any kind may not be used and would result in a grade of 0. Be careful about this!

Each Current Event Report has four components - all 4 components are required for full credit:

1. Attach a separate typed cover-sheet with your name AND the name of the articles. Not counted in the three page requirement.

2. Provide a summary (typed, double spaced, font size 12) of the three articles in your own words (just copying sentences from the article is plagiarism and is NOT considered a summary). You must also include the full reference information for your articles (i.e., author, source, and date of publication). Note that any reference information does not count towards the page requirement.

3. Provide an analysis (typed, double spaced, font size 12) of how the three articles relate to the material covered in class. Be sure to address how the tools/concepts discussed in class pertain to your articles and what concepts are illustrated by the articles. Feel free to draw your own conclusions based on what we have talked about in class.

4. Attach photocopies (or print-outs) of the three articles.

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Microeconomics: Be sure to address how the toolsconcepts discussed in class
Reference No:- TGS02505724

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