
Be able to compare and contrast some of the episodes from

The Film "Apocalypse Now"

  • Know the main characters and what roles they play (see "background on Apocalypse Now"
  • Be able to compare and contrast some of the episodes from Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Coppola's Apocalypse Now:
  • How Marlowe's role as a narrator like Willard's voice-over? Are they the same? How are they different?
  • Marlowe in Brussels getting his mission; Willard getting his mission
  • The significance and description of the rivers
  • The significance of the boats
  • The significance of specific locations going up the river: The Central Station; Charlie's point OR the Inner Station and Kurz's compound
  • The two attacks on the boats-who is killed? What are the consequences of the attack?
  • The two harlequins Kurz and Colonel Kurz

Just brief examples of each bullet

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Other Subject: Be able to compare and contrast some of the episodes from
Reference No:- TGS02484049

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