
Bdy of knowledge matrix important guidelines each

Body of knowledge matrix important guidelines:

Each knowledge area is associated with logistics and supply chain management. For example, sustainability can have different meanings in different areas of research, whereas logistics network or supply chain refers to environmental impact, waste costs, etc. (for an artifact on inventory management, the student can insert X in the operational and/ or tactical columns and should submit a document/ artifact to support that.

Minimum of 10 artifacts and 15 summaries (each summary associated with a unique cell in the body of knowledge matrix)

An artifact can be assigned to more one knowledge as long as it can be justify: a separate summary for each knowledge area association will be required. For example, an artifact on collaborative supply chains that also includes discussion on inventory management can be assigned to both collaborative supply chain management and inventory management.

An artifact should be directly related to the knowledge area. For example, an artifact on collaborative supply chains, which may have a mention of inventory management but doesn't include detailed discussion on inventory management, is not applicable for inventory management.

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Management Theories: Bdy of knowledge matrix important guidelines each
Reference No:- TGS01074610

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