
Bco6603 - enterprise resource planning systems - workshop

Assessment - Workshop Reports

Objective : Execute all transactions and produce all reports required to complete a series of SAP business transactions for the Global Bike Company. Note that you should use the last three digits of your SAP id in place of ###. Make sure that the title bar is included in all screen captures.

Creating screenshots of reports.

On Windows: use Shipping tool to capture the relevant part of the screen, then go to your Word document and click on Paste or press Ctrl-V

On Macs: Use Command-Shift-4 to get into screen capture mode and highlight the relevant part of the screen. The captured screenshot will be saved on your desktop.

Section A : Master Data

Task 1

Create a material master record:

Material CHDX1###, Child Deluxe Bike.

This is a TRADING GOOD (Material Type: HAWA), i.e. a material which is purchased from a vendor and resold to customers; no additional processing is done. It is part of the Mechanical Engineeringindustry sector.

Use the following data:

Net weight 6000 gm

Gross weight 6000 gm

Standard Price $900 USD

Valuation Class  3100

Purchasing Group N00

Price Conditions  Qty 1
  Amount $1200                                  

The material will be stored in Plant MI00 (Miami Distribution Centre), Company US00, Storage Location TG00.All other data, including the organisational levels, is the same as for your ORMG1### bike.

Task 2

Create a new customer "Bikes for Kids" located at### Sunset Ave, Palm Beach, FL, US. 35617 (street number ### is your sap id)

All other data is the same as for "The Bike Zone" customer."Bikes for Kids" will be managed by the same contact person as "The Bike Zone" - add the contact to the customer record.

Task 3
Using the vendor master record that you created in you MM workshop, enter your name as the Salesperson on the Purchasing Data screen of the Change Vendor transaction

Section B : Purchasing

Task 4
Create a new Purchase Requisition for 50 Child Deluxe Bikes, to be delivered to Plant MI00, Storage location TG00, in 1 month from today.

Task 5
Convert the PR from Task 4 into a Purchase Order.
Use your vendor number.
Purchasing Organisation US00
Net Price USD$ 900

Record a Goods Receipt for the Purchase Order.

Section C : Sales and Distribution

Task 6
"Bikes for Kids" requested a quote for 10 bikes CHDX1###.
a) Create an inquiry which will be valid for one month from today, PO number - ###, order probability 60%.
b) Create a quotation with reference to the created inquiry which will be valid for one month from today, PO number - ###. Offer 10% discount on the entire order.

Task 7
"Bikes for Kids" are happy with the quote and agreed to terms and conditions of the sale. Therefore you need to generate a sales order based on the quotation using ### as PO number.
Task 8
Execute the necessary transactions in order to ship the bikes to the customer:

Task 9
Create an invoice for your customer.

Section D : Physical Inventory

Task 10
Create a Physical Inventory Document for warehouse stock of material CHDX1### in Plant MI00, Storage Location TG00.
Enter an inventory count of 35.

You will now produce a number of reports to show that this data has been entered correctly.

Report 1
Produce a Material List of all Trading Goods whose material code ends with the characters 1###. The fields should be listed in the following sequence:
Material Code
Material Description
Material Group
Created by

The report should be sorted by ascending Price within Material Group.

Report 2
Produce a Display Changes to Vendor reportshowing the change that you made to the Vendor Master record in Task 3.

Report 3
Use the List Display of Purchase Requisitions to list the Purchase Requisition that was created in Task 4.

Report 4
Produce a Print Preview of your Purchase Order for your new product.

Report 5
Create a Stock Requirements List for the Child Deluxe Bike.

Report 6
Use the List of Inquiries report to list the enquiry you created in Task 6.

Report 7
Produce a List of Sales Orders report listing the Sales Order you have created in Task 7.

Report 8
Produce a Document Flow report for the sales order after you have completed Task 8.

Report 9
Produce a Customer Sales report for your customer after completing Task 9.

Report 10
Produce a Stock Overview report for your new material after the order has been shipped.

Report 11
Produce a Difference List after completing Task 10 (note the report heading will show "List of Inventory Differences").

Report 12
Using the SAP Quick Viewer, produce a report formatted EXACTLYas shown below. The report lists details of sales orders sorted by the date they were created. The report uses data from 3 tables:
VBAP Sales Document Item Data
MARA General Material Data
MAKT Material Descriptions
The fields shown on the report are:

Sales Document      


Sales Document Item


Material Number


Material Description (Short Text)


Material Type


Base Unit of Measure


Name of person who created the object


Net Price


Gross Weight


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Reference No:- TGS02827722

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