
Bbs300 examine the real estate market datasetdescribed at

Empirical Research Methods for Business

This assignment covers material from Sessions1-4 and is worth 20% of your total mark of BBS300. Your solutions should be properly presented, and it is important that you double-check your spelling and grammar and thoroughly proofread your assignment before submitting.

Instructions for assignment submission are presented in the "Assignment 1" link and must be strictly adhered to. No marks will be awarded to assignments that are submitted after the due date and time.

All analyses must be carried out using SPSS, and no marks will be awarded for assignment questions where SPSS output supporting your answer is not provided in your Microsoft Word file submitted for the Assignment.


In this assignment, we will examine the "Real Estate Market" dataset(described at the end of the assignment ) and "Employee Satisfaction" dataset. Before beginning the assignment,read through the descriptions of these data set and their variables carefully.

The "Real Estate Market" dataset can be found in the file "realestatemarket.sav," and the "Employee Satisfaction" dataset can be found in the file "employeesatisfaction.sav."

You will need to carefully inpect both SPSS data files to be sure that the specification of variable types is correct and, where appropriate, value labels are entered.

Use appropriate graphical displays and measures of centrality and dispersion to summarise the following four variables in the "Real Estate Market" dataset.

For graphical displays for numeric data, be sure to comment on not only the shape of the distribution but also compliance with a normal distribution. Be sure to include relevant SPSS output (graphs, tables) to support your answers.

(a) Price.

(b) Lot Size.

(c) Material.

(d) Condition.

2. Again consider the variable Price, which records the property price (in AUD). It is of interest to know if this is associated with the distance of the property is located to the train station. It is also of interest to know if the property prices are associated with distance to the nearest bus stop.

Carry out appropriate statistical techniques to assess whether there is a significant association between the property price and distance to the nearest train (To train) station and the nearest bus stop (To bus). Be sure to thoroughly assess the assumptions of your particular analysis, and be sure to include relevant SPSS output (graphs, tables) to support your answers.

3.  Consider the "Employee Satisfaction" dataset, which asked participants to provide their level of regularity to a series of thirteen statements. Conduct an appropriate analysis to assess the reliability of responses to these statements. If the reliability will increase by eliminating one or more variables, report which variable(s) this is/are.

Again, be sure to include relevant SPSS output (graphs, tables) to support your answers.

4. Presentation marks. These marks are allocated based on:

• structure, clarity, and tidiness of presented solutions/answers; and

• correctness in spelling and grammar.

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