Market Research Proposal Assignment
Prepare a Market Research Proposal as outlined below. If working individually it is expected that you will write a report of approximately 600 to 1000 words.
If working in a group, multiply the suggested word limit by the number of group members ie a group of 3 will write 1800 to 3000 words.
Select a business of your choice to write a market research proposal for? ie a tutoring school teaching Chinese in Box Hill OR theme park in Mildura
Do NOT answer each of the questions below in the table individually. Please answer them in a report format. That is the answers should be contained in paragraphs addressing the issues raised by the questions in the table below.
- For what (type of) business is the market research being conducted?
- What is the purpose of the study?
- to establish a new business?
- to expand an existing business?
- to introduce a new product range?
- What is to be measured? How?
- Is it possible to collect or generate the data required?
- Should research be conducted?
- Can a hypothesis be formulated?
- What types of questions need to be answered?
- Are descriptive or causal findings required?
- What is the source of the data? Primary data? Secondary data?
- If generating primary data, what type of information is going to be collected?
- How quickly can the information be collected? What is the timeframe?
- Who, what and/or where are the best sources of data?
- Can the target population be identified?
- Who will read the report? Marketing Manager? General Manager? Board members?
- How many hours of labour are required to gather the data and write the report?
- How many weeks will it take to do the research? Is this an acceptable timeframe?
- Will the recommended research design attain the stated research objectives?
- When should the research be conducted? Peak or off peak season?