Bay Oil produces two types of fuels (regular and super) by mixing three ingredients. The major distinguishing feature of the two products is the octane level required. Reg- ular fuel must have a minimum octane level of 90 while super must have a level of at least 100. The cost per barrel, octane levels, and available amounts (in barrels) for the upcoming two-week period are shown in the following table. Likewise, the maximum demand for each end product and the revenue generated per barrel are shown. Ingredient - Input Cost/Barrel - Octane - Available (barrels) 1 - $16.50 - 100 - 110,000 2 - $14.00 - 87 - 350,000 3 - $17.50 - 110 - 300,000 Type - Revenue/Barrel - Max Demand (barrels) Regular - $18.50 - 350,000 Super - $20.00 - 500,000 form a linear program and solve. find the optimal solution and profit