
Battle of the mexican revolution

Mirkin's, Aurora Reyes: The first female muralist.

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With Mirkin's article we now move away from the murals that explicitly depict the battle of the Mexican Revolution (those of Rivera and Orozco) to experience the aftermath of the Revolution, the 1920's and 30's. In her article Mirkin highlights the presence (and overlooked role) of the first female muralist in Mexico: Aurora Reyes. Read Mirkin's article and elaborate on the following:

1. What do you find of interest in Reyes' murals?

2. In your opinion, how do Reyes' murals and statements change (or add to) your view of the Mexican Revolution?

3. Provide a quote or the name of the mural from the article to explain your opinion.

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Reference No:- TGS0553878

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