
Batman received an offer from the mayor of metropolis

Batman received an offer from the mayor of Metropolis doubling what he was being paid at Gotham City to fight crime.  The mayor informed the caped crusader that Metropolis had a lot of money and a lot of crime and his services would be needed indefinitely.   Batman sold his mansion in Gotham City and purchased another in Metropolis.  Within a few months of his arrival in Metropolis Batman was informed that Superman, who had been injured in a fall from a horse, had made a miraculous  recovery, was returning to fight crime in Metropolis, and the services of the caped crusader would no longer be needed.  In the meantime, Batman’s position at Gotham City had been filled by Batgirl and Batman was now unemployed.  He threatens to sue the City of Metropolis but is informed by the Mayor that the Peoples Republic, in which Metropolis is located, is an Employment at Will State and Batman will have to get a degree from Embry- Riddle Aeronautical University and find honest work.  You have been consulted by Batman.  Does he have a case against the City of Metropolis?  Why or why not?

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