
Bass1998 defined transformational leadership as being a


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Bass(1998) defined transformational leadership as being a deep relationship between the leader and his team, which is transformed into greater depth. It is based on ethics, which are personal values and the leader's vision as well as an organizational culture centered on morality.

Through transformational leadership the attachment of subordinates to their organization increases. Looking at leadership through a holistic lens by framing our understanding what leaders do and their capabilities they need in order to perform in a leadership role, could possibly help to understand leaders in their selection and development (Brown, W. &Moshavi, D. 2005).

Salovey and Mayer (1990) define emotional intelligence as subsets of social intelligence. Emotional intelligence abilities enable individuals to recognize, understand, and manage emotions in themselves and others that contribute better relationships in the workplace. Researchers have suggested that emotional intelligence may be the new "X" factor which leads to an understanding of social influence and leadership.

Perhaps, emotional intelligence might be responsible for a leader's awareness of the emotional issues of others and cause him to adhere to more effective leadership behaviors. It is possible that using self-awareness and discernment in spreading emotions some sort of interactive relationship between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership behaviors can be created.

Emotional intelligence may be independent of transformational leadership and directly associated with desired outcomes. However, there are issues associated with these possibilities that include : Emotional intelligence as a trait that is innate, it is an acquired competency( set of skills and competencies), and emotional intelligence is an intellectual capability it that it has the capacity to perceive emotion, to integrate it into thought, to understand it, and to manage it (Mayer, Salovey, Caruso, &Sitarenios, 2003).

Therefore, emotional intelligence is comprised of personal awareness, integration, insight, and regulatory capability of emotion. Emotional intelligence involves the capacity to carry out reasoning in regard to emotions and the capacity of emotions to enhance reasoning (Ordon, &AsliBeyhan, 2014).

Since emotional intelligence is a capability there are positive relationships between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership. People who are emotionally intelligent feel more secure in their ability to control and influence life events, thereby provide individual focus on others and intellectually stimulate and motivate followers. "These behavioral outcomes are consistent with three major facets of transformational leadership: individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, and inspirational motivation."

(Brown &Moshavi, 2005). Transformational leadership leads to positive effects at the organizational and individual level(higher performance, confidence in the leader, increased group cohesion, strong motivation, employees' ability to formulate new solutions, psychological development of employees through mentoring, coaching, low conflict level).

Three positive emotions that impact transformational leadership are:

1) confidence in the leader is created through the high intellectual ability of the leader who has self-awareness and awareness of other peoples' feelings and make them feel more of a team member than non team member,

2)motivation by the team leader as he or she recognizes that each person has emotional intelligence regardless of the intensity , and the team leader uses that emotional intelligence to fit the behavior of the team member, and

3) employees ability to form new solutions gives the employees a chance to come up with ideas that could be useful to the organization thus opening an opportunity for the leader to receive incentives or a promotion and the employees are rewarded as well. The higher the emotional intelligence of the leader the more understanding of taking care of your employees is used by the transformational leader.

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