Q1. The following statement explicates Rule Utilitarianism: ___________
1. Act so as to increase the overall pleasure of society
2. Act in accordance with rules that you can will to be universal laws, applicable to all
3. An action is right if and only if it conforms to a set of rules the general acceptance of which would produce the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for all
4. An action is right if and only if it conforms to a set of rules the general acceptance of which would produce the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for most
Q2. What established that trade secrets are not merely a question of property rights? ___________
1. The Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut
2. The Supreme Court in the Clara Watson v. Forth Worth Bank and Trust
3. The Supreme Court in International News Service v. Associated Press
4. The Supreme Court in Griggs v. Duke Power
Q3. According to the instructor, when considering ethical theories this fundamental question runs throughout all such ethical considerations: ___________
1. Does the theory make people better in their practices?
2. Does the theory jibe with other theories?
3. What has to matter?
4. Is the theory concerned with real consequences?
Q4. According to the Supreme Court, which of the following cannot be the basis of a "Bona Fide Occupational Qualification" or "BFOQ"? ___________
1. Sex
2. National Origin
3. Religion
4. Race
Q5. "Normative Ethics" is concerned with: ___________
1. Existing social customs
2. Normal ways of deciding hard cases
3. Duty based approaches to ethics
4. What we really ought to do as determined by reasoning or moral argument
Q6. Only one of the following can be a bona fide whistle-blower (Choose the best answer): ________
1. An outside supplier
2. An outside accountant
3. The party to an arm's length contract
4. An employee working at a satellite office overseas
Q7. The "Difference Principle" (a principle of egalitarianism) is best associated with: ___________
1. John Locke
2. John Rawls
3. Adam Smith
4. Robert Nozick
Q8. By seeking only personal gain, each individual is "led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention." This idea is best associated with: ___________
1. Aristotle
2. Immanuel Kant
3. Adam Smith
4. Kenneth Goodpaster
Q9. The "categorical imperative" is best associated with: ___________
1. Aristotle
2. W.D. Ross
3. Immanuel Kant
4. None of the above
Q10. Per the categorical imperative, to determine whether a proposed act or action is right, one must clear two hurdles: ___________
1. The act or action cannot treat any person as a mere object, and the act or action must be such as to be able to serve as a universal law for everyone without contradiction
2. The act or action must maximize utility for most and increase social welfare
3. The act or action must directly improve the character of the actor(s) and cultivate virtues in all concerned
4. None of the above
Q11. It is "The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals, Utility, or the Greatest Happiness Principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness." This is best associated with: ___________
1. John Stuart Mill
2. Richard Rorty
3. Sissela Bok
4. None of the above
Q12. In the case, "Psychological Testing at Dayton Hudson," one of the criticisms was that: _______
1. It is never ethically tenable to utilized psychological tests of any kind for employment purposes
2. Psychological testing is an invasion of privacy not only because of the intimate nature of the questions but also because the tests seek personal information, namely psychological traits, in ways that the person does not understand is unable to control
3. Psychological testing always violates the Categorical Imperative requirement to never treat persons as mere means, but rather as ends in themselves
4. None of the above
Q13. What are three of the Six Myths of Business and Business Ethics as outlined by the instructor? ___________
1. Business ethics is not required, businesses exist to serve customers, businesses exist to serve their owners
2. Business ethics is an oxymoron, businesses exist to serve their customers, businesses should not be concerned with profits
3. There is an ontological split between the public and the private, business ethics is an oxymoron, businesses exist solely to make a profit
4. None of the above
Q14. The case that is often looked to as establishing that there is a right to privacy supported by the Constitution is: ___________
1. Griswold v. Connecticut
2. Adarand v. Peña
3. Bakke v. Regents of the University of California
4. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
Q15. "Disparate Treatment" and "Disparate Impact": ___________
1. Are terms that pertained to the effect that GM had on Flint, MI in the film Roger & Me
2. Pertain to the impact of pollution on residential communities
3. Are terms that pertain to discrimination
4. None of the above
Q16. The "Halo Effect" is explicated in: ___________
1. The Jacksonville Shipyards case
2. Clara Watson v. Forth Worth Bank and Trust
3. Griggs v. Duke Power
4. Case 3.2 in Boatright
Q17. Select the best answer: A Whistleblower should be concerned with (among other things): ___________
1. Where he or she lives
2. The need to protect his or her boss
3. Whether he or she has all the facts and properly understands them
4. None of the above
Q18. According to the court's decision in Wexler v. Greenberg, an employer has the burden of showing, among other things: ___________
1. That the employee was acting in an ultra vires manner
2. That a legally protectable trade secret existed
3. That the employee intended to steal trade secrets
4. That the employee knew that divulging sensitive information to others would do harm to his employer
Q19. In Clara Watson v. Fort Worth Bank & Trust, the Supreme Court held that: ___________
1. The theory of disparate impact applied to subjective evaluation procedures as well as to objective tests of the kinds at issue in Griggs v. Duke Power
2. That there was no basis for a finding of discrimination
3. That the bank had in fact acted appropriately in denying the promotion
4. The government has no interest in the promotions of employees of private corporations
Q20. "The point of justice is not to promote human well-being or to achieve a state of equality; it is to protect our rights. Because a market system does this better than any other form of economic organization, it is just." Who argued for this libertarian view?: ___________
1. Ralph Nader
2. John Snow
3. Robert Ruben
4. Robert Nozick
Q21. Jeff Rosen, in his book The Unwanted Gaze, which concerned privacy, uses this term to explain the problem of assuming one understands the whole by reference to the part only:
1. Factoring
2. Snap Judgment
3. Synecdoche
4. Stereotyping
Q22. Select the best answer or answers. In Griggs v. Duke Power, the Supreme Court held that: ___________
1. The Civil Rights Act requires the elimination of artificial, arbitrary, and unnecessary barriers to employment that operate invidiously to discriminate on the basis of race . . . and if an employment practice that operates to exclude a protected class cannot be shown to be related to job performance, it is prohibited, notwithstanding the employer's lack of discriminatory intent
2. The Civil Rights Act was not apposite to the claim
3. Residual discrimination arising from prior practices was insulated from remedial action
4. The black employees must be granted the jobs that they sought, even though it was clear that they would not perform them as well as whites
Q23. Components of a good whistle-blower program/policy are: ___________
1. An effectively communicated statement of responsibility
2. Clearly defined procedures for reporting
3. A guarantee against retaliation
4. All of the above
Q24. Since consideration or use of certain predicates of individuals, such as race or religion, usually is problematic, where an employer wishes to consider or use such predicates in hiring decisions, affirmative action, etc., the consideration or use has to meet the test of "strict scrutiny." Strict scrutiny: ___________
1. Is a form of judicial review used to determine the constitutionality of certain laws or practices. To pass strict scrutiny, the law or practice must have passed the requirement of a "compelling governmental interest," and must have narrowly tailored the law or practice to achieve that interest.
2. Is a form of judicial review used to determine the general legality of certain laws or practices.
3. Is a rule of the court in determining whether discrimination has occurred.
4. Is the process by which federal judges are appointed to the bench.
Q25. The Jacksonville Shipyards case: ____________
1. Concerned instances of quid pro quo sexual harassment only
2. Concerned instances of hostile work environment sexual harassment
3. Showed that there was no sexual harassment because Lois Robinson consented
4. Blurred the distinction between quid pro quo and hostile work environment sexual harassment