Question 1: Describe the Directive Principles of State Policy which are invoked by the state regulating the corporate sector in developing country.
Question 2: Write a critical note on the functioning of the SEBI.
Question 3: What are the salient features of the SEBI Act, 1992? Is the Act effective in regulating the securities market in developing country?
Question 4: There is a strong view that the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951 has become redundant now. Comment on it.
Question 5: What are the reasons for reenacting the MRTP Act? Is the Competition Act an efficient substitute for the MRTP Act?
Question 6: Describe the changes made in the Insurance Sector in developing country in view of the IRDA Act, 1999.
Question 7: Describe the salient features of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999.
Question 8: Assess the SEBI Guidelines on the Corporate Governance.
Question 9: Write a note on the NBFC Prudential Norms (RBI) Directions, 1998.
Question 10: Write brief notes on any two of the given:
a) Competition Commission of developing country.
b) Regulation of NBFCs.
c) Impact of Globalization on developing country corporate sector.
d) Board of Directors of SEBI.