
Basically what text explains human purpose what definitions

Project Assignment

For your final project, you will answer the questions

"What is our purpose? Why are we here?"

• This project will be due/submitted during the week of April 25.
• MLA paper of at least 5 to 6 pages "What is human purpose? Why are we here?"
• Create and support definition of how happiness relates to our purpose

o Describe how HAPPINESS is our purpose/ why we are here
o Must support main TEXT (movie, song, poem)

- Don't start paragraphs off with questions
- Don't use questions in paragraph

• Must use a discipline of Humanities as your primary source to answer the question

o A piece of literature, piece of music, piece of art, theatrical piece, television show or film

o Basically, what text explains human purpose?

o Review, and therefore use, one of the Disciplines of Humanities chapters (4-9) to further support your own points based on the medium you are using

The below guidelines must be followed to make a passing grade:

If you choose to write the MLA paper:

- This paper must be at least 5 pages (end of 5th page) but no more than 6 pages.
- This paper must include the book as well as 4 additional sources.
- This paper must include at least 7 quotes.
- This paper must show critical thinking skills and must be logically coherent.
- This paper must include a thesis statement.
- This paper must follow basic essay structure and be in complete MLA format.

Questions to consider, but not required to answer unless it suits your argument:

Does love, morality, death, freedom or happiness factor into this purpose?
Does religion or myth help answer the question?
Does any of it matter? Why or why not?
Why has no one figured this out yet? Has someone figured this out?
What definitions must also be explained? What theories are closely related?

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Other Subject: Basically what text explains human purpose what definitions
Reference No:- TGS02752722

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