
Basic tools of business analysis


The aim of this unit is to give you the knowledge and understanding of how a business unit can be strategically organised and planned for likely future outcomes in order to be successful.


One of the aims of this unit is to build on learners’ existing knowledge of the basic tools of business analysis such as PESTLE and draw it together so that the learners think strategically.

Learners will be introduced to further analysis tools needed for the process of strategic planning. They will be able to explain the significance of stakeholder analysis and carry out an environmental and organisational audit of a given organisation.

Learners will learn how to apply strategic positioning techniques to the analysis of a given organisation and prepare a strategic plan based on previous analysis. They will also learn how to evaluate possible alternative strategies (such as substantive growth, limited growth or retrenchment) and then select an appropriate future strategy for a given organisation.

Finally, learners will compare the roles and responsibilities for strategy implementation and evaluate resource requirements for the implementation of a new strategy for a given organisation. Learners will then be able to propose targets and timescales for implementation and monitoring of the strategy in a given organisation.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria:

In order to pass this unit, the assignment that you present for assessment needs to demonstrate that you can meet all the learning outcomes listed below.

Learning Outcomes (LO) Assessment Criteria (AC):

1) Understand the process of strategic planning.

1.1 explain strategic contexts and terminology – missions, visions, objectives, goals, core competencies
1.2 review the issues involved in strategic planning
1.3 explain different planning techniques

2) Be able to formulate a new strategy.

2.1 produce an organisational audit for a given organisation
2.2 carry out an environmental audit for a given organisation
2.3 explain the significance of stakeholder analysis

3) Understand approaches to strategy evaluation and selection.

3.1 analyse possible alternative strategies relating to substantive growth, limited growth or retrenchment
3.2 select an appropriate future strategy for a given organisation

4) Understand how to implement a chosen strategy.

4.1 compare the roles and responsibilities for strategy Implementation
4.2 evaluate resource requirements to implement a new strategy for a given organization
4.3 discuss targets and timescales for achievement in a given organisation to monitor a given strategy.

Before you get started please read the following information very carefully.

Assignment Format/Style:

Produce an informal report/paper that addresses all the tasks in the assignment brief. You are encouraged to use diagrams or tables to illustrate and reinforce your findings. Any references to academic theory should be correctly cited and referenced in a bibliography at the end of the report. (please do not copy and paste information)

  • Fully completed assignment cover page
  • Title page
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Main body of the report clearly identifying the separate outcomes and assessment criteria
  • Conclusion and recommendations ( if relevant)
  • References and bibliography
  • Appendices only if relevant and necessary

Assignment Content:

The assignment brief includes headings relevant to the unit outcomes, read and follow the tasks listed under each heading and this will make certain that you cover all the outcomes and assessment criteria to achieve the unit.

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Other Subject: Basic tools of business analysis
Reference No:- TGS01240222

Expected delivery within 24 Hours