
basic materials handling principles 1

Basic  Materials Handling Principles

1.  Lest Handling  is Best Handling: it is  best to keep  the handling  cost of the  minimum  because  handling  does not add value  to the product or materials.

2. Standardization of Equipment : MH  equipment  should  be selected in such a manner as to afford  flexibility and be capable of performing multiple operations  but  standardized. This will result  in reduction  of cost of operations maintenance and repair and also costs of storage.

3. Specialized  equipment Kept to a Minimum: It  may be desirable to have specialized equipment  but the  first cost , cost  of operation maintenance and repair are generally more than  those of  standardized equipment.  Present worth  and life span  value  should be evaluated.

4. Volume  Dictates the  Methods: Volumetric  consideration  determines  the method of  handling , regardless of size  shape and value. Therefore  the most important  criterion is  the volume.

5. Planning  ahead: Simultaneously with  other planning activates  selection and procurement of  MH equipment  should be conducted in advance to take care of all aspects of handling and storage, particularly  of standardized equipment and  combining methods.

6. Length  and Number  of Moves: Movement  must be  studied in detail to reduce back  tracking of  materials. The extent  of movement  must also  be studied so as to  afford better utilization of  men  and equipment.

7. Equipment Capacity: The capacity  of rates should  be carefully  examined and never exceeded  as overloading causes undue wear entails excessive  maintenance and repair  cost. It also  creates potential accident hazards, violating the safety first principle  in MH.

8. Analysis of Operations: To  determine  combination of handling  activities  all operation must be  analyzed. This will  result in simplification  and possibly reduction in  handling  and cost.

9. Payload: The selection of  equipment  must be  made  careful  consideration of the cost of  moving, and  economics  can be measured by studying the cost  of operation involved in handling  in each move. The  physical  state of material is a determining factor in  the  selection  process.

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Management Theories: basic materials handling principles 1
Reference No:- TGS0206775

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