
Based upon your studies in unit i and also your personal

Question 1: Based upon your studies in Unit I, and also your personal and professional experiences, how would you characterize the community health of Americans at this point in our nation's history?

Question 2: Differentiate between governmental health organizations, quasi-governmental health organizations, and non-governmental health organizations. Provide at least one example of each, and discuss the roles and interaction of these organizations.

Question 3: What are the five major determinants (domains) of health, and how do each of these relate to the practice of healthcare administration? Which of these determinants can we, as healthcare leaders, realistically impact for improved community health, and how?

Question 4: Review the website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) which presents priorities for public health in America. Visit this site, https://www.cdc.gov, and search for Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support Public Health Priorities. Then scroll down the results to CDC Public Health Priorities Video and click the link.

As a healthcare manager or administrator, what will be your own role, and the role of your organization, in advancing these priorities for better public health in America?

Question 5: The frequency of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) is an important aspect of controlling diabetes. However, there is no consensus on frequency and timing of SMBG on patients with type 2 diabetes not on insulin therapy. This controversy is based in part on increasing healthcare cost, lack of reimbursing SMBG, and conflicting data that SMBG improves long-term outcomes on non-insulin type 2 diabetic patients. Taking both sides of the controversy, how should diabetes care in its prevention, intervention, control, and eradication be managed in your community?

Question 6: What are some of the diseases which have caused massive epidemics throughout world history? How are these diseases different from the diseases which cause epidemics today, and why?

Question 7: What are the essential approaches to communicable disease prevention in a community? Consider the chain of infection model and also primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention in your answer.

Question 8: Why are rates so important in epidemiology? Cite and describe the most important rates which are measured and analyzed in epidemiology today.

Question 9: Go to this site, https://apps.who.int/infobase/Index.aspx, to review the website of the World Health Organization Global InfoBase. Click on Intl Comparisons then in Step 1, click on All Causes under Global Burden of Disease, Mortality. Then click on Noncommunicable diseases and then Respiratory diseases and click GO.

Does anything about this map surprise you? Why or why not? What can be done in a comprehensive program to reduce mortality from respiratory diseases? Consider primary, secondary and tertiary elements.

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Marketing Management: Based upon your studies in unit i and also your personal
Reference No:- TGS0992014

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