
Based upon the summarized information from the pivot table

Computer Assignment

The data for this problem is located in the Excel file on Isidore under Computer Assignment #1 and it corresponds to Case Problem 1 (Pelican Stores) on p. 102 -103 in your text.

Please answer the following questions within your Excel file. Please label your work so that it may be easily found within your file.

1. Using the pivot table tool, create a crosstabulationof type of customer (regular or promotional) versus net sales. Place this pivot table in a new worksheet labeled "Pivot Table." Use good formatting practices when constructing this table as shown in class.

2. Based upon the summarized information from the pivot table you created in question 1, which type of customer tends to spend larger amounts on their purchases?

3. Based upon the summarized information from the pivot table you created in question 1, which type of customer comprises most of the sales for this sample?

4. Create a scatter diagram to explore the relationship between net sales and customer age. Put this scatter diagram in a new worksheet labeled "Scatter Diagram." Before creating your scatter diagram, carefully consider which variable is most appropriate to put on the y-axis of your graph. Be sure to label your axes appropriately and create a meaningful title for your graph.

5. Based upon your scatter diagram from question 4, does there appear to be a relationship between the customer's age and the net sales?

Attachment:- Pelican Stores.rar

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Operation Management: Based upon the summarized information from the pivot table
Reference No:- TGS02649893

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