
Based on your study this week address each of the following

Chris can often be found around the house laughing loudly at inappropriate jokes he is telling. When he is not laughing, he is singing or whistling and making non-stop noise, as he feels like he has boundless energy. When his daughter gets home, he calls her names and accuses her of plotting to harm him. The next day, Chris calls the police to report that his daughter is a spy sent from another planet to obtain military intelligence that will be used to take over the United States government.

Based on your study this week, address each of the following:

• Identify how a clinical psychologist, counseling psychologist, and counselor might approach working with Chris.

• Defend your position with support from the reading, noting definitions and key features.

• Indicate at least one major approach to psychotherapy which would be appropriate for Chris based on the literature.

• Identify at least one type of assessment procedure or psychological test that would be useful to administer to Chris to aid in diagnosis and treatment planning.

• Examine how you, as a mental health professional, would respond to Chris and what your ethical duties are.

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Dissertation: Based on your study this week address each of the following
Reference No:- TGS01507591

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