
Based on your review of this information what conclusions



Though colonialism may have officially ended, the effects of colonialism are still very much present today. This is true in modern-day Africa.
Review the following resources for additional information on the slave trade in Africa:

• Origins of African Slaves: Slave Trade Routes
• Lasting Effects of Slavery on Africa
• African Countries and Independence Dates

Select 1 of the following countries from which the most slaves originated:

• Democratic Republic of the Congo
• Ghana
• Ivory Coast

Use this template to complete your paper:

• For your selected country, identify the former colonial ruling country.

• Identify your selected country's date of independence from the colonial ruling country, and discuss the length of time the slave trade operated there.

• Discuss how the depopulation and fractured familial relationships inherent in the slave trade have affected your chosen country. Be sure to support your discussion with relevant examples.

o Are these effects still felt today? If so, how? Provide examples.

• Based on your review of this information, what conclusions can you draw about the slave trade and its effects on your selected country?

• Based on your key findings and conclusions, what recommendations do you have to help improve the conditions in the country now? Make sure your recommendations:

o include specific interventions or strategies to address the issues and constraints identified
o are feasible (politically and operationally)
o are realistic (short- and long-term)

• Utilize at least 2 credible sources to support the arguments presented in the paper. Make sure you cite them appropriately within your paper, and list them in APA format on your Reference page.

• Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length, not counting the Title page and Reference page. In accordance with APA formatting requirements, your paper should include a Title and Reference page, should be double-spaced, and include a running head and page numbers.


Boddy-Evans, A. (2017, September 18). Chronological list of African independence.
Pruitt, S. (2016, May 3). What part of Africa did most slaves come from? HISTORY.
Ross, W. (2007, March 29). Slavery's long effects on Africa. BBC News.

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Dissertation: Based on your review of this information what conclusions
Reference No:- TGS02738850

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