
Based on your review of the most recent relevant research

Based on your review of the most recent, relevant research findings on your chosen topic, submit a final version of your literature review paper, integrating feedback received from your instructor.

Be sure to include a research/focal question, synthesis of the literature you reviewed, well-established conclusions, and points of discussion and/or future research. Apply current APA standards for editorial style, expression of ideas, and formatting of the text, headings, citations, and references. You may want to study the style and formatting illustrated in the sample APA paper in the Doc Sharing area and model your paper after it.

1. Title page

2. Running head with page numbers

3. Abstract

4. 8-10 pages in the body of the paper. Be sure to:

Articulate a research question which is specific, researchable, and important to the field.

Offer a synthesis of the key points established in and through literature review.

Provide well-established conclusions, and identify needed areas for future research.

5. Headings and subheadings organizing the body of the paper

6. References page

Articulated a research question which was specific, researchable, and important to the field.

Selected and reviewed at least 10 academic references.

Offered synthesis of key points established in and through literature review.

Provided well-established conclusions, and pointed towards areas for future research.

Style: Tone, audience, and word choice

Organization: Introduction, transitions, and conclusion 

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Other Subject: Based on your review of the most recent relevant research
Reference No:- TGS0941640

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