Pedagogical Innovations
This week, you have explored whether the ideas about how we learn are present in the pedagogical innovations currently occurring in education. Earlier in the week you selected a topic from the following list:
Game-based learning
Flipped classrooms
Mindfulness curriculum
Interest-driven instruction
Your own selected topic
Based on your research, create a project on your innovation topic in the format of your choice. Your project should address the following:
Provide a brief overview of the innovation. What is the goal of using it with students?
How does this innovation incorporate current information about how we learn? Or, how does it contradict what we know about how we learn?
Would you recommend this innovation for adoption in classrooms and schools? Why or why not?
Examples of formats you may use for your project include:
A research brief on the topic for convincing colleagues, principals, and others of the research behind your idea
A presentation for parents or colleagues using a platform such as PowerPoint or Prezi
A brochure for students on how this new approach will benefit them as learners
If your sense is that this innovation is going in "the wrong way" compared to what we know about learning, you might create the following:
A persuasive speech or essay that could be shared with a group such as the school board or district administrators who are adopting such practices
A presentation for a group that is struggling with the approach
Your project should include a minimum of four sources, one of which must be peer-reviewed primary research. Use the Concordia online library as a source to:
Find articles
Find information on what is considered primary research
Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.