
Based on what you have read how do you think class status


1. 1 essay question-500 words.

Be sure to include the following in your essay:

- A clearly written thesis that presents a specific and original response to the essay question. There is no "right answer" to the essay question. Instead, focus on writing a thoughtful essay that highlights your own reflections on the course material.

- 2 body paragraphs that directly relate to your thesis and provide clear support for your argument-please reference at least 2 assigned readings(please read the attachments carefully) in your paragraphs. Quotes from readings are not required, as this is a closed-book exam.

- Grammar and essay organization count

- Intro and conclusion paragraphs are optional

TIP: What makes a good essay answer?

When you answer an essay exam question, it's important to be clear and direct. Since you don't have a lot of time, it's tempting to just start writing what you think. You should resist that temptation. If you just start writing, you're likely to express yourself in a disjointed way, even if you have a good answer to the question.

Instead, take a moment to plan your answer and develop a thesis (argument) that expresses your central answer to the essay question. Some students find it helpful to write a mini-outline of their thesis and supporting points on a separate piece of paper before they start to answer an essay question.

When answering the essay question, just as in writing a paper, don't cram in everything you know. Instead, think about which facts are most relevant to the exam question. Since the exam is closed-book, you do not need to provide exact quotations or page references, but you should indicate the source of your information (i.e. "Shukla defines transnationalism as...," or "Bald and Prashad both advocate for cross-racial solidarity because...").

Many of our course readings have illustrated wide-ranging class differences among South Asian Americans, profiling the experience of working class communities, as well as the middle and upper middle classes. Based on what you have read, how do you think class status affects the ability of South Asian Americans to succeed in the U.S.?

Please note: You may define "success" however you'd like for this question: as socio-economic achievement (a mix of financial stability and class status), political equality and representation, etc.)

Text Book: Our Feet Walk The Sky- Women of the sout Asian Diaspora Edited by The Women of South Asian Descent Collective.


1. Intersections: Transcultural Asian & Pacific American Studies by Russell C. Leong.
2. Not Asian, Black or White? Reflections on South Asian American Racial Identity by Nazli Kibria.

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History: Based on what you have read how do you think class status
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