
Based on what you have learned in the course so far discuss


Scholarly Discussion: Based on what you have learned in the course so far, discuss the similarities and differences between the philosophies of wellness presented this week. Discuss how they relate to the concept of wellness as defined in this course, how they relate to specific challenges or supports for wellness, and how learning about different philosophies may have influenced your own conceptualization of wellness.

Remember: Support your ideas with information presented in the course material and/or other scholarly resources. Also, give specific examples (real-life observations and experiences) to support your views. In addition, keep in mind the eight dimensions of wellness.

Contribute: Share an interesting website, podcast, blog, video, Twitter feed, article, journal, organization, or other online resource that you found in your research this week that relates to this module's theme.

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Biology: Based on what you have learned in the course so far discuss
Reference No:- TGS01684515

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