
Based on these results critically evaluate your own

Discussion question

The measurements taken by these quizzes are only being used to help you identify how multifaceted and diverse learning is; they are not meant to endorse these surveys or guarantee their accuracy. Copy and paste your results from the quizzes into the forum beneath your initial list, take a moment to evaluate the different types of learning presented, and then address the following:

  • Are you surprised by your results on the assessments? Why, or Why not?
  • Name at least two behaviors you exhibit that support at least one of these assessment results.
  • Based on these results, critically evaluate your own behaviors. Are there behaviors you could practice that might help you learn better? List at least two behaviors you could change or traits you could develop in your own behaviors, and explain how they support your assessment results.
  • For example: "I could create flashcards because the assessments identify that visual learning comes easier to me."
  • Describe how the information about multiple intelligences interacts with the associative behaviorist and cognitivist theories you have read about thus far.

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Other Subject: Based on these results critically evaluate your own
Reference No:- TGS01068195

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