
Based on the research attached below identify the key


The annotated bibliography should be on its own in a single word document, the source dialogue should also be in a file on its own.

Annotated bibliography: Based on the research attached below,

For this annotated bibliography, you will need to provide a minimum of seven sources, and four of those will be peer reviewed sources. Each annotation will be between 150-250 words and written in double spaced 12 point font. Use the MLA heading on the first page and do not forget to include page numbers.

Don't evaluate in the summary part of the annotation. Leave your opinions for the second part of each annotation.

Source Dialogue: Based on the research attached below. First, identify the key players from your potential of sources. Which ones have the most influential or important arguments?

Then, create a cast of characters list in which you create a short "bio" for each speaker, including yourself, describing each person's credentials and rhetorical stance-their ethos and their argument.

You may even want to create identifying icons or pictures to give "faces" to the participants. (Feel free to be creative!)

Now, draft the script. Begin by writing out key questions; ask your sources crucial questions about your topic. As they articulate their positions, put them in dialogue with one another. Use quotes from your sources where possible and include page numbers.

Don't just play the "objective" moderator. Respond to the sources, and, in the process, start to develop your own argument.

If you need to create a character, such as the phantom they, in order to move the conversation along, please do so.

Format: 4 pages, MLA format, 12pt, Time new romans.

Attachment:- Research.rar

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Other Subject: Based on the research attached below identify the key
Reference No:- TGS02506892

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