
Based on the monopoly power factors and the factors that

Case Work Instructions

All cases will be graded as follows:

  • Clear articulation of a problem statement(s): Identification and overview of the key client(s) and strategic goal(s) or challenge(s) outlined in the case. HINT: A problem statement or challenge is typically found in the introduction to the case.
  • Application of the appropriate strategic analysis tool(s) discussed in class, based on the information provided in the case.
  • Based on your evaluation of the case write your strategic recommendations to the key client in the case. What would you suggest they do to solve the problem identified? Explain the reasons behind your recommendation using the case information and appropriate material from the textbook.
  • Spelling, grammar, structure, and formatting

If you do not specifically refer to information and examples in the  text and the case when answering the case questions you will not obtain full marks

All submissions must:

  • Be written using MS Word
  • Include a cover page with name(s), student number(s), course name, case name and date
  • Not exceed 1500 words (not including the cover page) This is approximately 3 pages single spaced
  • Be stapled and have numbered pages
  • Brought to class on the time and date specified in the course outline to be discussed and handed in. Late submissions will not be accepted
  • The use tables and/or diagrams are encouraged when appropriate but will not be included in the word count
  • Do not use point form - write in full sentences
  • Case 1 (Apple iphone in India) and the final Case Exam must be competed individually; all other cases may be completed in pairs

You must complete a template for each case you hand in. The template is available on the main page of Blackboard. Each template consists of the following:

  • A cover page with the name of the case and your name(s) and student number(s)
  • Table of contents
  • The problem(s) identified in this case (including the identification and overview of the key client(s) and strategic goal(s) or challenge(s) outlined in the case)
  • Strategic analysis using specifically assigned analytical tools (the number of analytical tools may vary based on the case)
  • Strategic recommendations
  • Rationale for each of your recommendations

Case 1 - Apple's iphone in India

Here are the questions you need to answer:

  1. Based on the monopoly power factors and the factors that influence monopoly power (see course slides), what are the challenges that may limit Apple's monopoly power in India and, therefore, its ability to control pricing. (Hint - there are eight. Any three specific examples are acceptable.) You may want to consider the implications of the five forces when responding to this question
  2. Complete a PESTEL analysis with respect to the Apple iphone in India. You should have two to three specific examples from the case for each PESTEL factor
  3. Based on your PESTEL analysis, what recommendations would you make to Apple's regarding its current pricing strategy for the iphone in India and what its pricing strategy should be going forward?

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Business Management: Based on the monopoly power factors and the factors that
Reference No:- TGS02861384

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