
Based on the limited amount of information provided what

Selling: Building Partnerships, Case Study 5.1

I’m in a buyer role at a Fortune 100 firm. Let me tell you a true story that happened to me last month. I was in my doorway about to leave my office to meet with a vice president. I had ended a meeting in my office about three min- utes early to give myself the time to get up the three flights of stairs to her (the VP’s) office in time. A salesperson whom I had never met before stopped me in my doorway, and I explained that I was on my way to an important meeting. The salesperson said he understood but proceeded to take my hand and shake it and introduce himself. He continued to say that he was asked to meet with me by a coworker to intro- duce his services. I continued to explain that I needed to go to my meeting, but I would take his card and call him later. He would not clear the doorway and continued to explain his services, which was “only going to take a minute.” I explained that I really didn’t have a minute and that I would call him later. He continued to explain his services after I said I didn’t have the time. I interrupted him and explained that he needed to allow me to leave my office. His disregard for my time and his desire “to only take a minute of my time” resulted in my standing there longer than I needed to and my being two minutes late for my meeting.

1. Based on the limited amount of information provided, what would you guess is the social style of the buyer? How about the social style of the seller? Explain your reasoning.

2. Make a list of five “rules” you could set for yourself as a salesperson to avoid making a buyer like this angry at you.

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Operation Management: Based on the limited amount of information provided what
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