
Based on the lessons learned from this projectsituation


This activity will provide you with an opportunity to discuss a project management topic that was covered in this module. The class interaction will foster a learning environment in which you will learn from each other's experiences and opinions. In addition, you will practice speaking the project management lingo and expressing your opinions in a professional.

Before you begin this discussion, be sure to:

Read the following:

Gido, J., & Clements, J. P. (2012). Successful project management. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

o Chapter 7: Determining Costs, Budget, and Earned Value

o Chapter 8: Managing Risk

View the following:

. PowerPoint presentations:
o Chapter 7: Determining Costs, Budget, and Earned Value

o Chapter 8: Managing Risk

Respond to the following:

Have you ever encountered a situation/project that had to be done using limited resources?

Based on the lessons learned from this project/situation, what steps will you take in the future to maximize the chance that you will have the needed resources on your projects?

Will the steps that you to secure the project resources depend on the organization structure? How?

Post your primary response.

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Project Management: Based on the lessons learned from this projectsituation
Reference No:- TGS01159113

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