
Based on the information provided above only fill out the

This is the third pan of a six pan problem that will allow you to prepare the 2014 tax return for Laurie and Lynn Norris. As with the previous pans, this pan of the problem will ask you to prepare a portion of their tax return. You should complete the appropriate portion of each form or schedule indicated in the instructions.

The following basic information is provided for preparing their 2014 tax return:

Mortgage interest                                                                                                   $7,000

Property taxes                                                                                                        2,200

Insurance                                                                                                                850

Gas and electric                                                                                                      1,600

Repairs and maintenance                                                                                       400

Cable television                                                                                                       350

Phone ($10 per month for a separate phone number for the office)                        245

House cleaning                                                                                                          650

• The Norrises contribute $250 to the political campaign of Fred Smithcrs who was running for Santa Fe city council.

• Lynn spent $4,300 in lawyer and accounting fees to investigate the possibility of acquiring a competing handyman website company. Due to legal con-straints, Lynn was unable to purchase the company.

• Lynn began his business in October 2012. He uses a room in their home to operate his business. The room is 300 square feet of the 2,400 total square feet of the home. The Norrises incur the following expenses related to their home:

The home was worth $215,000 in October 2012, their basis is S 175,000, the value acute land is 15% of basis, and the applicable depreciation percentage is 2.564%.


Based on the information provided above, only fill out the appropriate portions of Form 1040 Schedule C and Form 8829.

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Accounting Basics: Based on the information provided above only fill out the
Reference No:- TGS01133259

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